Healthy Eating Tips While Practicing Enduro

Healthy Eating Tips While Practicing Enduro

Enduro has come a long way and evolved into a more enjoyable yet strenuous physical activity. Riding the terrains of mountains and passing through different route stages requires you to fuel your body. Since you're what you eat, it's crucial to know healthy eating tips (what to eat) while practicing enduro.

For instance, carbohydrates, proteins, and low-fats can do the job and help you get through the practice while maintaining your stamina. On top of it, fluid intake is of utmost importance. You can either go with water or choose energy drinks to let you keep going during your enduro ride. 

As the name suggests, enduro takes its roots from endurance, which means remaining strong during challenging processes. Additionally, your body must have a great aerobic capacity (the ability for maximum oxygen consumption) while riding off-road. 

That said, here's a list of healthy eating tips (what to eat) while practicing enduro.

Pasta enduro food


Carbs are the instant source of body energy. These carbohydrates quickly break down into glucose and replenish energy whenever you go through strenuous movements during enduro. 

Some carbohydrates for enduro athletes can be:

  • Snacks
  • Dates
  • Chocolate chips
  • Energy gels
  • Rice cakes
  • Pasta

Carbohydrates consumption increases muscle glycogen storage, which readily breaks down into glucose to provide energy during enduro.

With this in mind, always take adequate carbohydrates before, during, and after practicing enduro. 

Moreover, eating fruits, such as bananas, also play a vital role in your performance during practice. 

More often than not, your body needs around 60 g per hour of carbohydrates. It means you should start consuming snacks within the first hour of riding.

Beef enduro food


Unlike carbohydrates, proteins increase your muscle mass without making you look bulky or obese. Instead, increased muscle mass increases the demand for your body's energy during the high level of physical practice.  As a result, your body burns fat to make up for the required amount of energy. Not only does it provide body energy, but it also helps reduce the amount of fat to keep you in shape.

Some protein-containing foods that you should eat as an enduro athlete include:

  • Beef
  • Chicken
  • Fish
  • Eggs

On the flip side, plant-based proteins include:

  • Almonds
  • Oats
  • Peanuts

While practicing enduro, make sure to combine carbohydrates with enough proteins.

almonds enduro food

Low-Fat Foods

Not all fats are bad. That said, increased muscle activity requires more calories taken from fat. And, it boils down to how much healthy fat your body possesses. 

For this reason, you should consume fats in a low amount to build up their optimum storage in your body.

On top of it, carbs release a high amount of energy in the presence of fats.

Some healthy fats are:

  • Nuts
  • Peanut Butter
  • Olive oil
  • Fatty Fish
  • Etc.

However, enduro athletes must avoid fried food and hydrogenated oils that contain a high amount of hydrogen and traces of nickel.

water enduro drink food

Water/Sports Drinks

While practicing, many enduro athletes sweat a lot. 

Due to sweating, the body continuously loses minerals and electrolytes. 

For this reason, drinking plenty of water will do the trick and make up for the water loss. It is often recommended to drink more than 20 ounces of water/pound of weight loss.

Likewise, you should also store sports drinks on your bike to prevent the risk of dehydration and replenish lost electrolytes, such as potassium, calcium, sodium, and magnesium.

fiber enduro food


Fibers intake should be different for enduro athletes than their counterparts. It is because fibers are indigestible and do not provide energy. However, consuming around 30 grams per day stabilizes your blood glucose level and makes you feel full, thus maintaining optimal body weight even during physically challenging endurance sport.

To sum up, healthy eating directly relates to keeping your body fit and how you perform on the route while practicing enduro. Additionally, you should prefer eating homemade foods enriched in natural nutrients, including minerals, vitamins, etc.
