5 reasons why sould you practice Enduro

5 reasons why sould you practice Enduro

enduro riding at the beach

One of the most fun things you can take part in is Enduro which is a type of off-road motorcycling. Many wrongly assume that it is an extremely difficult sport to get into and offers very few benefits for all the effort you have to put into it. This couldn't be further from the truth. It does require skill but nothing beyond the reach of every normal and able-bodied person. In fact, you can take up Enduro riding over the weekends and even after work. Contrary to popular belief, this sport offers plenty of benefits to make it not only one of the most exciting pastimes that you could pick but also one of the most rewarding. Here are some of the benefits of Enduro.

1. It hones your senses

Follow any professional motorcycle racer and you will find that they spend their free time doing Enduro. There is a very good reason for this. They need to keep their reflexes strong while also being on point when it comes to split-second decision making. If the pros are doing it that means that even ordinary folk can benefit from it. If you have been feeling a bit sluggish with regards to your reflexes and split-second decision-making then going for Enduro can help you get back in form. The constant engagement of your senses and reflexes will also slow down the aging process which means that you can stay sharper mentally than every other person who spends their free time in front of a television or binge-watching a TV show. It also helps you avoid injuries as you will be quick on your feet and you will instinctively know how to get out of trouble. The constant slipping and sliding in Enduro will push your senses to the limits and reacting quickly and in the correct manner in tricky conditions will become second nature to you.

2. It helps you to stay fit

It is not just the mind that gets a workout in Enduro. It is quite the physical sport and just hanging on to the motorcycle can take a lot of energy. That and the constant exhilaration will keep your heart rate pumped which in turn will improve the well-being of your cardiovascular system. You could argue that the same can be achieved in a gym but a gym isn't as exciting which is the primary reason most people stop working out at the gym in the first month of joining itself. The constant excitement of Enduro will keep you hooked and ensure that you stick to it religiously. There will be no need for self-motivation and rather you will need to practice self-control so you do not end up on a motorcycle every waking moment. It also keeps your body in healthy and functional shape and you will find your body to be more flexible than you could ever feel by just lifting weights in a gym.

3. Improves decision-making and fear management

We briefly touched on this in the first point. Enduro is packed full of moments that require you to make decisions quite quickly. Judging the pros and cons of every move on the fly will become second nature to you. Enduro also teaches the importance of weighing out all the possibilities and choosing the path that will be the most productive and beneficial to you. Then there is the whole fear management thing. Enduro will be scary at first and you will be forced to find a way to calm your nerves. Eventually, with plenty of practice, you will develop nerves of steel which will allow you to face situations in life that might have made you nervous previously. This will give you a new found confidence in life. Nothing will feel out of your reach and thus you will be able to do better at your job or your studies while also being productive in and around your house. Even dating will become a lot easier as you will be surer of yourself and we all know that confidence is a great turn on.

4. It is emotionally fulfilling

We as humans need a constant sense of accomplishment to give meaning to our lives. Most people stuck in humdrum jobs rarely get that and life can easily become boring where even getting up every morning might seem like a chore. The great thing about Enduro is that simple things such as navigating a corner can feel like a great achievement. As you start to hone your skills and get better at it, this sense of accomplishment will only increase. This is one pastime you won't feel guilty about spending your free time on. In fact, your life will feel so much more meaningful. Entering amateur events and interacting and even competing against fellow Enduro riders will give a new meaning to your life and that will allow you to return to your regular life with a sense of purpose and a renewed vigor. You will generally find yourself in a better mood and people will like hanging out with you.

5. It is a great way to socialize

Another common misconception about motorcycle riders is that they are all adrenaline junkies with brash attitudes. This couldn't be further from the truth. Go for an Enduro ride and you will realize that most if not all of your fellow-riders are great people from similar walks of life. Also, unlike other sports where the amateurs and newbies get hazed a lot which can stop many people from trying out the sport for the first time in their tracks, experienced Enduro riders are quite helpful. Any criticism you receive will be of the constructive type and will only encourage you to get better at the skills necessary to effectively ride an off-road motorcycle. It can also act as a stepping stone for other types of motorcycle riding. At the very least, you will end up with a bunch of new friends and get to experience a sense of camaraderie and companionship that is rarely if ever experienced in a regular workplace.

So, there you have it. Every single one of these reasons on their own make Enduro riding quite compelling. Combine them and you get a sport you have to try at least once in your lifetime.
